How to Integrate OnFrontiers Consultations into Your Microsoft Outlook Calendar

A simple guide for Microsoft Outlook users to integrate consultations directly into your calendar.

For Microsoft Outlook Users


1. Download the ICS File:

Open the email titled "Request Confirmed with [Expert Name]." You'll find an attached `.ICS` file. Download this file to your computer.

2. Open the ICS File:

Double-click the downloaded `.ICS` file. This will automatically open your Outlook calendar with the meeting details pre-filled.

3. Save the Event:

Review the details and click “Save” to add it to your calendar.


For Google Calendar Users

1. Receive Calendar Invitation:

When you get an invitation via email, it will look similar to the attached screenshot.

2. Accept the Invitation:

Simply accept the invitation. This will generate a calendar entry with a link and passcode.

3. Join the Consultation:

Click on the link or dial into your local number and enter the passcode to join the consultation.



This straightforward process will only take about one to two minutes and will help you keep track of your consultations seamlessly. Enjoy your meetings without the worry of missing them!